The main ANCHOR LIFE objective is to raise awareness, communicate and disseminate the topic of noise pollution coming from ports affecting urban nearby territories among public Administrations and land management decision makers, port authorities, private companies involved in port activities, citizens living in port cities and academics.
The process will be led by the development and application of three Best Practices for Noise Governance and Information, one for each partner port authority, in order to enhance relationships among all the port actors, i.e. port authorities, companies and local communities.
ANCHOR LIFE project activities are organised on a period of 36 months (from October 2018 to September 2021), designed in 5 stages, totalling 10 actions as listed below. Each of them aims to involve and encompass stakeholders at different levels (public bodies, companies, citizens, scientific communities) by means of the build-up of a “Follower Platform” (Action A1.2) not only as a collector but also as a direct channel through which inform them, raising their awareness to noise coming from ports issue (Action D1), work with and proposing them the identified best governances (Action B1, B2 and B3) to approach and deal with thereafter autonomously such issue.
In the following, the planned actions are listed:
A1 Preliminary Activities
Updating and capitalization of already known best practices, and monitoring indicators and systems for noise management in port areas.
Followers’ platform for stakeholders to involve in project implementation and follow-up
Development of Information Measurement KPIs
B1 Development of “Figures of Merits” governance on noise and application to Livorno port
B2 Design of a Smart Port Noise Monitoring System (SPNMS) and application to Patras port.
B3 Definition of a common Port Noise Impact Assessment (PNIA) method and application to Melilla portevelopment of “Figures of Merits” governance on noise and application to Livorno port
C1 Monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators as quality plan
C2 Monitoring the impact of project actions.
Scientific and technical monitoring
Evaluation of socio-economic impact of the project
D1 Plan and Implementation of project dissemination
Dissemination plan and information Pack.
Network with other EU funded projects.
Replication plan and results transfer.
E1 Project management.
Overall project management and monitoring of project progress.
Technical project management, administrative coordination and external audit.
After-LIFE plan.

The project has the vision goal of long-term sustainability on noise thanks to the application of noise control governances:
01“Figures of merit” stimulating Private players to apply noise control actions on their activities.
02Smart Port Noise Monitoring System (SPNMS) supplying Port authorities with a tool checking environmental noise situation and establishing direct connection with private companies and local communities.
03Noise Impact Assessment giving decision-makers a tool to design infrastructures with a noise conscious approach, both in current situation and in expansion planning.